Raspberry Pi Base Setup

OS Installation

Download the light version of the Raspberry OS from Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi OS Lite (size around 440 MB)

Write it on the SD card using some Flash Card Writer Tool (for instance USB Image Tool on Windows, or just “dd” on Linux).

Then boot it and do the base settings directly via keyboard and HDMI screen as SSH is not active yet.

Base Setup

sudo raspi-config

  • Localisation Options (Timezone is important)

  • Interface Options: enable SSH

  • change the default password for user pi

Disable Bluetooth

sudo systemctl disable bluetooth

Disable Serial Console

sudo systemctl disable hciuart
sudo apt purge bluez
sudo apt autoremove

Copy your SSH public keys

In order to avoid to always enter the Raspberry’s user password you could copy the public key. So from your Linux workstation desktop do this:

ssh-copy-id pi@<IP of Raspi>

So now it should not be necessary to always enter your password on Raspi login or scp copy operations.


For convinience, the widely used shell aliases could be enabled:

nano /home/pi/.bashrc

Uncomment the already existing lines so they look like this:

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'

To give out the processor temperature it is recommended to make an alias called temp:

nano /home/pi/.bash_aliases
alias temp='/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp'

After a re-login you can get the temperature by calling temp:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ temp