MQTT Broker Docker Setup

Docker Guest OS

Docker eclipse-mosquitto

version 1.6, no SSL because of certificates

Host Persistent Directories

Make directory for /Container/eclipse-mosquitto-16

Create following directories in it:


Create an initial configuration in config/mosquitto.conf:

persistence true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

listener 9001
protocol websockets
http_dir /mosquitto/docroot

Container Configuration

Name: eclipse-mosquitto-2020 Command: /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf Entrypoint: / CPU Limit: 10% Memory Limit: 1200 MB

Container Hostname: mqtt-16

Network, exposed ports:

  • for MQTT protocol: QNAP-Host: 1883, Container: 1883, TCP

  • for Websockets: QNAP-Host: 9001, Container: 9001, TCP

Shared Folders:

  • Volume from host:

    • /Container/eclipse-mosquitto-16/config => /mosquitto/config

    • /Container/eclipse-mosquitto-16/data => /mosquitto/data

    • /Container/eclipse-mosquitto-16/log => /mosquitto/log

HTTP server for the Web App


The MQTT broker could also provide some files via http but is made too simple as the mime types cannot be configured. So JS files will not be interpreted by the browers. Therefore an nginx is used here to provide the web app files.

Docker OS used: offical nginx

Name: nginx-safechicken CPU Limit: 10% Memory Limit: 1200 MB

Container Hostname: nginx-safechicken

Network, exposed ports:

  • for MQTT protocol: QNAP-Host: 9000, Container: 80, TCP

  • Volume from host:

    • /Container/http-safechicken/docroot => /usr/share/nginx/html

Set directory permissions:

cd /usr/share/nginx/html chown nginx:nginx . chown nginx:nginx -R ./*

MQTT Client for Testing

Proposed client:

snap install mqtt-explorer

Run it like this: mqtt-explorer

Name: <some name> Host: <your Docker host> Port: 1883

MQTT Manual Test

Using mqtt-explorer > Publish json

test1/topic1: {“value1”:11, “array1”: [“val1”, “val2”]}

Select “retain” to store it in a database so you could better test it.